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What is ISO 9001?

International Standards for Quality Management Systems

ISO 9001 is  a quality management systems standard that is accepted around the world. Currently more than 90 countries have adopted ISO 9001 as their national quality standard. When you purchase a product or service from an organization that is registered to the ISO 9001 standard, you have important assurances that the quality of what you receive will be as you require. In addition, with the year 2000 revision of the standard, quality objectives, continual improvement, and monitoring of customer satisfaction provide the customer with increased assurances that their requirements and expectations will be met.

The standard intended for quality management system assessment and registration is ISO 9001.  The standards apply uniformly to organizations of any size or description.

Why are the Standards so Important?

Many companies require their suppliers to become registered to ISO 9001 and because of this, registered companies find that their market opportunities have increased. In addition, a company's conformity with ISO 9001 ensures that it has a sound quality management system, and that's good business.

Registered companies have had dramatic reductions in customer complaints, significant reductions in operating costs and increased demand for their products and services. Other benefits can include better working conditions, increased market share, and increased profits.

ISO 9001 registration has become a must for many companies.  Many organizations require registration by their own suppliers. ISO 9001 accepted as THE international Quality standard.

Does ISO 9001 Certification Pay?

Yes it does, as described in the article The Financial Impact of ISO 9000 Certification in the US: An Empirical Analysis  by Charles J. Corbett, Marķa J. Montes-Sancho and David A. Kirsch published in September 15, 2004. The authors found that certification does to lead to improved financial performance, measured by return on assets (ROA). After deciding to seek their first ISO 9000 certification, firms have made changes that, directly or indirectly, lead to relative improvements in ROA, both through superior cost control and higher sales. Firms that failed to seek certification experienced substantial deteriorations in ROA, productivity, and sales, while firms that did seek certification generally managed to avoid such declines.

For further information on ISO and its standards, please visit ISO web site at:



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